NUF Runoff Recycling System
Nutrient Recapture And Recycling
The NUF® system removes all pathogens, parasites and fungi from the irrigation water in one single pass, thanks to the 0.03μ absolute ultra filtration rate of the NUF® membranes - while micronutrients and fertilizer concentration remains unaltered and available to the plants. Water flows to the system at low pressure while the purification process takes place by simple mechanical size exclusion on the membranes - without use of chemical, thermal or biological treatment. 98% of the irrigation water and fertilizers are recycled, while the pollutants are expelled during periodical backwashes.

- ABSOLUTE filtration rate of 30 nm = > 0.03 MICRONS
- Smooth membrane surface = > low fouling and
extremely easy to clean - Easy scalability: 8.0 GPM, 20 GPM
- Irrigation water and fertilizer runoff recycling in Greenhouses and Nurseries
- Disinfection of irrigation water – breaks down pathogens, parasites and fungi
Sanitation and Reuse in One Single Pass

- Re-use 98% of nutrient water
- Absolute pathogen barrier
- Keep fertilizers and micro elements intact
- No chemical, thermal or biological treatments used
- Minimal, almost no-cost energy requirements
- Compact and fully automated water recycling system
- Huge saving in water and fertilizer cost